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How to Copy Text from Any Image to Android (2 Effective Methods)

How to Copy Text from Any Image to Android (2 Effective Methods)
How to Copy Text from Any Image to Android (2 Effective Methods)

You might frequently encounter the need to extract text from images in your daily life. Much time and effort can be saved If you are aware of when to use Android’s Copy Text from any Image to Android feature. You can copy text from screenshots of images using a variety of online tools for a variety of purposes.

We’re going to talk about text-scanning applications that allow you to extract text from any kind of image-based material, including newspapers, books, infographics, documents, and images with text in any font style.

Optical Character Recognition, also known as (OCR), is another name for this text-scanning method. OCR apps refer to any app that scans an image and extracts the text from it.

Effective Ways to Copy Text From Any Image to Android

The three simplest ways to copy text from an image on an Android device are what I’ll be sharing with you in this article. You can extract the text from any image even without the Internet if you simply follow the step-by-step instructions.

These three methods for converting images to text are all precise. You can convert images to text on your Android device for free without using any software or the internet.

1. Copy Text from Image to Android using Google Photos

Copy text from any image to Android using Google Photos

I will demonstrate how to convert an image into text using the popular Android app Google Photos in this method.

This method is not entirely faultless, but for a quick job, you can use it. You don’t need to install a special app for this task, and all you need is a working internet connection to use Google Photos to extract text from images.

So follow the procedure to get started:

  • Launch the Google Photos app on your smartphone. This method works for both Android & iPhone.
  • Open the Image in the Google Photos app. And then click on the little icon, the Lens icon.
  • The Google Lens will automatically pick up the text from the image, you can now select the text and copy it to your clipboard.

2. Copy Text from Image to Android using Google Keep

Google Keep Lockscreen Feature

I’ll demonstrate how to pick text from an image using Google Keep in this technique. A built-in feature of Google Keep allows you to easily extract text from an image.

So let’s see the procedure for extracting text from an image using Google keep:

  • Launch the Google Keep app on your smartphone.
  • Open the image in Google Keep app, click on the 3 verticle lines, and select Grab image text from the dropdown option.
  • This process also automatically copies the text from the image and displays it on the bottom side of the window.
  • Just copy the text, from the Google Keep app.

So that’s the way, you can convert the image text into editable form. So hope you find these methods effective. Thanks for reading.


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